Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

Upon registering for a membership at petidentity.org portal, mobile application and/or use any related Pet Identity products, you (hereinafter “member”) agrees on the following terms and conditions:


Pet Identity reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Pet Identity will notify the member with the proposed amendment at least four (4) weeks before these amendments apply. The amended terms and conditions apply to all agreements between Pet Identity and the member from the date of the change.

Registration, Activation and Usage

Member is entitled to register at petidentity.org portal and will be subject to activate his/her account using a subscription code. This code can be purchased through the petidentity.org portal or any authorised reseller.
Member is entitled to fill his/her pet details, owner, veterinarian, insurance contact details and medical information including access rules set to public, protected or private.
Member is entitled to assign one or more identification code to his/her account.
Member is aware that all filled details (with access rules set to protected or public) can be read by authorised veterinarian devices in combination with any of the assigned identification code.
Member is aware that all filled details (with access rules set to public) can be read by individuals’ smart phone in combination with the assigned identification code.
Member is aware that petidentity.org portal will disallow veterinarians and care givers devices and/or individuals’ smart phones to access member’s details of non activated accounts and/or expired subscriptions.


Pet Identity will endeavor its best efforts to secure the member’s pet data stored at the petidentity.org data centre. Member is responsible for the confidentiality of the credentials to access his/her account. 

Members’ pet data such as pet identity, contact, activity and medical details and consults are stored at Pet Identity portal in an encrypted form. Details are read by assigned veterinarians and care givers using authorised devices and in combination with the member’s pet identification code. 

Responsibility and Liability

It is the member's responsibility to ensure that the data filled into his/her pet dossier(s) is appropriate and accurate. Pet Identity does not accept any responsibility for any subsequent use made of petidentity.org products, whether accurate or inaccurate or any consequences thereof.
Member accepts that neither he/she nor his or her heirs nor any other third party will seek compensation for any consequential loss arising from the existence or absence of the member’s purchased Pet Identity products under any circumstances.
Member indemnifies Pet Identity for all damages and liabilities that may occur as a result of claims by third parties relating to the goods or services offered by Pet Identity.

Duration and Termination

The agreement between the member and Pet Identity is valid as long as the member’s subscription is active at petidentity.org.
Pet Identity may terminate and delete the account (including all its data) after the expiry of the subscription and within a notice period of one calendar month without any compensation to the member whatsoever.
Pet Identity has the right to suspend access to the member’s account and/or the assigned identity codes for the sake of securing petidentity.org services and data protection.

Member has the right to terminate his/her account at any time. Upon termination of the account by the member, all data filled by the member will be deleted from our servers and all assigned identity codes will be removed. Subscription will be terminated as well. Remaining subscription days and paid amounts are not refundable nor transferable to other account or member. 

Governing Law

All terms and conditions of use of any of petidentity.org portal and/or Pet Identity products shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands and any dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch court in Amsterdam.